Wednesday, May 23, 2012

A Mommy and Her Babies

So I have a friend who is amazing a lot of things, one of them being photography.  She took some pictures of Gracie and I while we were visiting Utah, here's just a few of my favorites, though there are hundreds more that I love.

I think she's too pretty to be mine...

...but mine she is!

So excited for baby brother!

See?  I told you my friend was awesome.  If you're interested in her work, her website is:  Or you can find her on facebook, just look up ProStudio Photography.


Rachael said...

great pics! all of them are so cute!

Unknown said...

BEAUTIFUL!!! Sometimes I really wish I had those kind of skills, but then I think I'll never be AS amazing she is, so I'll just let amazing photographers do their thing and I'll do my thing and just be uber-appreciative of their talents!

and I think Gracie gets all her gorgeous features from YOU, beautiful!

Amber said...

Sabrina, I love these pictures!