Sunday, January 27, 2013

Teaching failure.

In church today I was trying to teach Gracie to (at least) whisper if she was going to talk.  We had this conversation:

Gracie:  Mommy Mommy blah blah blah
Me:  Gracie please whisper
Gracie: No - blah blah blah
Me: Gracie, look around the room, all the people are being quiet and they only whisper when they talk because we're trying to be reverent and listen to that lady up front. Do you see her talking up at the front?
Gracie: Yes, blah blah
Me: Well, we need to be quiet and reverent so everyone can listen to her, ok?
Gracie:  RUFF RUFF RUFF, Mommy I'm RUFFING!  Ruff Ruff Ruff Ruff

Friday, January 25, 2013

This week

We took Gracie to the ER for the 2nd time this month.  Luckily we have a children's hospital close enough that we go there, and they know how to work with kids and calm her down enough to do what they need to.    Can't complain about that.
1st time, Sprained ankle.
2nd time Croup - when they told us she had croup we rejoiced, not the usual reaction from most parents but it's better than asthma which is what we were afraid she might have.

Gracie has started a new game that I do not love, she calls it Grasshopper and she jumps over her brother when he's lying on the floor.  I don't know when she's ever seen or learned about a grasshopper, but I think that part is cute, the jumping over her brother is scary and I try to stop her every time.

I found some icky stuff in Dutch's mouth.  He has figured out that he can suck on his toes. The icky in his mouth was the lint from his socks.  When you suck on toes, sometimes you get the jam too.  Toe-Jam, yum.

Looks like I'm going to have to get Gracie a jump rope, another thing that I don't know how or where she learned, but she started trying to use our power cords as jump ropes (and she knew to call it a jump rope).  Power cords, not the safest toy.

At Dutch's 4 month appointment we discovered that he's not the chubster that we thought he was, he's dropped from the 50th percentile in weight and height to the 25th, his head was always 25th, and still is.  He's perfectly proportionate, but on the small side.  Baby boy doesn't like to finish his cream.