Thursday, April 19, 2012

It's Woe time

So I haven't talked about my chest woes for a long while, I decided to skip the complaints about milk leakage, engorgement, etc while I was nursing Gracie, but now I've got something. So here goes..

Itchy Boobs

That's right, I said it, super, untreatable, inconsolable, itchy side boobs (mostly).  
However, that being said, itchy boobs is really the only thing I can complain about with this pregnancy, otherwise it's been a breeze so far.  Being a flat chested woman, these puppies have a lot of growing and stretching to do in order to house the milk needed to fill up a hungry baby's tummy.  My body's just prepping for that occurance. If only they'd stay milk jug sized afterward...

And yes, I did just say that I'm pregnant. Yipee!  More to come on that later. 


Unknown said...

really? I never had that. Is it pretty typical? sounds super annoying! Does it bother you all the time or just when you're trying to sleep?

I'm wearing my 6s today! that is my hc accomplishment of the day!

Liz G said...

Wahoo! So excited for you! Next time you're in town let's get our little girls together. Miss you guys!

alyson said...

I feel ya! I totally had the itchy boobs going on when I was pregnant. It did go away though, for the last few months. So hopefully the itchies will go away soon! :)

Rachael said...

itchy boobs are the worst! congrats on being prego!!

Scottie and Angie said...

Ok I haven't looked at blogs forever so here goes some major comments.
One congrats!!! I am glad the news is out and I am excited to see the pics Steph took!!!
Two- I LOVE the song I am sexy and I know it! I rock out everytime I hear it!!! See I knew I liked you for a reason:)
Three-congrats on the 5 years and I love the band from Sklar...very pretty. Tell I said way to go.
Ok that's it for now. Peace!