Wednesday, January 25, 2012

I can be strong

I did 13 push-ups today.
It's the most I've ever done in my live, and it's a huge advance from the one half push-up that I was able to do a couple months ago. 
I feel pretty awesome. My original goal was to work up to be able to do 10 push-ups, now I'm bumping it up to 25. 

And by the way, about those pants, I think it's not going to happen, it's not me, it's my new momma hips that I didn't take into account.  But we'll see, I'll keep working on it.


Amber said...

Sabrina, you are amazing! Way to go with the push- up. I think I should be more like you and make fitness goals.

Unknown said...

seriously?!?! Are these 'man' pushups or 'female' pushups? I don't think I can even do 1 man pushup... so if you are doing 13, I'm already floored! Way to go! I'm working on plank right now, but even then I often have to drop back down to modified plank. We should do some kind of 'accountability' to each other thing, not for competition, but for support. Like if we both meet our weekly goal for an entire month, we reward ourselves somehow. What do you think?