I need to find a Doctor.
We've come to a point where we don't know what to do next. We got my huband's seman analysis done, but the results were like this "Everything looks normal, except for one thing that may or may not be abnormal, but it's probably fine, but we're just nurses so we don't really know how to interprupt these things." !!!Like that's helpful!!!
If you've read my first post, I talk about how rude the doctor was when I went to consult with him (and by the way, I did get a bill, on top of the co-pay, for the 10 minutes he spent with me). We've decided that since trying to conceive a child is pretty much the most important and life changing decision we'll ever make, we don't want to share that part of our life with a doctor that is condescending.
So the search has begun. I need a doctor that is obviously knowledgable in infertility issues, one who won't make us feel worse about our situation, will clearly explain procedures and results, and will give us options so we can still make our own best informed decisions. That doesn't seem like too much to ask does it?
17 hours ago